Please complete the HcEM Certification Pre-Requisite Requirements Attestation form prior to beginning the registration process. You must upload your attestation in order to complete registration.
This is the registration for the Healthcare Emergency Manager Certification Exam. A score of 80% is required to pass the exam. A
passing score alone does NOT guarantee certification, applicants must
still meet all certification requirements for the level of certification
being pursued in addition to passing the exam. When the
exam window has closed, an AHEPP staff member will reach out to
individuals who pass the exam with information on the next steps in the
HcEM certification process. Online Exam
Exam registrants will receive instructions for creating an account within the AHEPP exam site, Moodle, in their registration confirmation email. The exam will be open in Moodle during the specified exam window. Individuals may take the exam at any time during the one week exam window, however once the exam has been started, it cannot be paused and resumed at a later time. The exam must be completed within 1 hour and 30 minutes. At the end of 1 hour and 30 minutes, the exam will be automatically submitted. You will see your score for the exam immediately after it has been submitted. Written Exam We are offering a written (paper-pencil) exam version of the Certification examination on Monday, 2/24, from 4-6pm CT at the AHEPP Annual Conference in Orlando, FL. This is an opportunity for those that prefer 1) a classroom environment, 2) a paper-pencil format and 3) a little extra time (30 extra minutes) for any reason. If you prefer a large print version of the Certification exam, please reach out to us at
Scores for the written exam will be made available as soon as possible, but they will not be immediately available. Written exams will only be available at the AHEPP Annual Conference. The
exam must be completed within 2 hours. At the end of 2 hours, proctors will collect any exams that have not been turned in.
If you have questions about the certification process, please reach out to with the subject line being the first letter of your first name, your last name, "AHEPP Certification Exam", and the year you are taking the exam [ex. J. Doe AHEPP Certification Exam 2025].